
We've been working very diligently on earning our Try-It badges.  Sometimes we have volunteers come in and help us with a badge during a meeting, and others we earn ourselves.  These are to be worn on the front of the Brownie vest.  Below are the badges we have officially earned and are currently working on:

Girl Scout Ways
Being a Girl Scout makes you part of a very special group of people!

Sounds of Music
What makes music different from noise?  Music is different from noise because it usually has regular sound or rhythm.  If you think about it, some noises, such as the drip, drip, drip of a faucet can sound like music.  What other noises inside or outside can sound like music?  Can you create some instruments to make your own music?

Making Music
Music is the art of making sounds. Different people find different sounds pleaseing to the ear.  Some sounds in nature, like birdcalls, are musical.

Playing Around the World
Children all around the world play games.  We explored different games from countries all around the world such as USA, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Japan, Brazil, and Sweden.

Cookies Count
Every year, Girl Scouts across the country sell Girl Scout Cookies as a fun way to support their projects and activities. It's a great way to learn new things - how to get along with people, work with a team, set goals, and improve your math skills.

Smart Cookie
Selling Girl Scout Cookies® is exciting—it's like having a troop business. This business-training activity can be a lot of fun.

Penny Power
Save it, spend it, earn it, borrow it, donate it. Money is an important part of everyone's life. Start now to learn the basics of dealing with money.

Art to Wear
Art hangs on walls in museums and galleries, but that's not all. The ceramic mug you sip your hot chocolate from may also be an example of art.

Earth is Our Home
The earth is your home. Living things like people, plants, and animals make their home on our planet. How can you make your home a better place?