Alex the Lion

We are thrilled to announce the adoption of our new troop mascot, Alex the Lion!  Alex will be traveling within our troop from each girl's home and spend a fabulous week with her family and friends.  At the return of Alex to his home (our meeting place), the girl will give the troop a brief report of the adventures she and Alex did together over the course of the week.  We encourage pictures, either drawn or developed, along with a short story to accompany each adventure for placement in Alex's notebook.  After Alex has had the chance to visit each home in our troop, we will begin scheduling his outings with other area troops within our council.  Eventually, Alex will have the opportunity to travel around the country and be able to come home and share with us all his fabulous experiences with Girl Scouts all over the United States.  This is an awesome opportunity for us to learn about others around the world through the eyes of our mascot. 

If you are interested in participating in our mascot exchange program please contact our Mascot Mom. 

Want to adopt your own troop mascot?  Find all the information you will need here.