Clean and Green...Beginning Earth is Our Home

Today we learned about how unsafe common household cleaners can be to our health, and that alternative "green" cleansers are safer for us and the environment. We mixed our own concoction of vinegar, water, and lemon juice (to give a slightly better scent) and went to scrubbing down the Girl Scout House! The girls were such good sports and after a while, didn't complain at all about the smell of the vinegar!

Practice Makes Perfect

Our troop was asked to conduct a flag ceremony for one of our local PTA board meetings! Learning an official flag ceremony is a must, because we could potentially be asked to perform a flag ceremony spontaneously and we must be prepared. Today we learned two basic ceremonies, but know that only experience will have us become pros! We are confident that when our time comes to perform, we will definitely succeed!

...and Sit-Upons again...

Worked again on our Sit-Upons! We are just about completed with them, just one more meeting and we should have them all done!