
We began the process to making our Sit-Upons! This will definitely take a few meetings to complete, but it will definitely be worth the time and effort as we won't have to remake these in the future! We sang repeat songs while we worked diligently.

We all have uniforms!!!

Every one is now uniformed! How exciting it is to see all the girls in their uniforms! We just had to take a group picture! A goal was set for every girl to wear her uniform to all meetings and earn points. If our goal is met, we will celebrate with a fabulous Swimming Party in April at the WT indoor swimming pool!

Discussion and Troop Planning

Learning a new grace is always fun! We learned one today to the tune of "We Will, We Will Rock You", and the girls loved it! We discussed our most favorite things we have done as a troop, and what we would like to do as troop in the future. We got some excellent ideas for upcoming meetings.