Beginning Sounds of Music

Miss Sharon came back again today and began the journey towards a new Try-It called Sounds of Music. With this badge, we made several types of instruments. A percussion instrument made out of a folded paper plate and birdseed, a single string swing was made out of an empty can and string, and a wind instrument was made out of a water bottle and a straw. The girls loved it! At the end of the meeting, we put all our instruments together and played like an orchestra to "The Brownie Smile" song.

Celebrating the Hispanic Heritage

September 15-October 15 marks Hispanic Heritage Month. We celebrated by learning the days of the week, months of the year, seasons, and how to count to 10 in Spanish. We also learned how to sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and say the Girl Scout Promise in Spanish. We made our own individual pinatas filled with traditional Mexican candy and enjoyed an orange beverage made in Mexico for snack time. The girls loved enjoying a new culture and learning about other traditions.

Making Music with Miss Sharon

Today we welcomed Miss Sharon, a music major from WT, to join us in earning our very first Try-It for our uniforms. We earned the Making Music Try-It by singing songs in rounds, putting actions to songs we already know and new ones we learned, we used melody glasses to make the tune to "Twinkle, Twinkle Star", and learned a new Girl Scout song from Israel called "Brownie Friend-Maker Song". The girls all had a blast with Miss Sharon and can't wait to have her back again to learn more about music.

Welcome Back!

So, after a long summer break, we are back in session! We started the year off with a review of things we learned last year as Daisies. Special Girl Scout ways include the Girl Scout handshake and sign, quiet sign, Friendship Circle and Squeeze. We reread the Brownie story which reminds us that good deeds can be done every single day and discussed how we as a troop would like to help others throughout the year. For snack time, we made S'mores. All these activities are included in the Girl Scout Ways Try-It. We will complete and earn this badge before our Court of Awards ceremony in December.